Hello, my name is Tanden Launder

I am a multi-medium artist hailing from North Idaho. Art has been a lifelong ongoing through many outlets initially in leather goods mfg and small retail to restoration of old buildings. My now career as a contemporary western artist revolves around creative visual biographies of the iconic west and its heros. My true creative roots come from having no TV growing up, having to literally make my own fun, a nicely supplied art room and reading plenty of books helped spark the imagination. Books like Life of Buffalo Bill, Amelia Earhart, John Dillinger, Sitting Bull and the list goes on.  Those books now serve as the part of the collage material I use to build up the background in my art. The key is the layers, I focus on what I call "the draw", the part of the artwork that captures you at first glance and draws you nearer as you pick up on more and more detail the closer you muse. You will end up a foot away reading some 1930's newspaper article or studying the wide contrast of mediums I interchange. The intention is to have a piece of art that rests easily in a space and reveals itself the more time you spend with it, you could say a visual biography is my target goal. My other mediums are simply channeling my creative overflow.

Thank you for your interest, Enjoy. 


